Honey German is an on air personality at one of the biggest urban radio stations in the country NYC’s Power 105.1 fm and often takes some “paying of dues” to get in a role such as the one Honey holds. This path has afforded Honey many trials and tribulations but this Latina is definitely someone we can all learn from so keep reading ;).
Honey often speaks to women about body positivity and her weight loss journey. She dives into her roots as a Dominican woman in the media industry and is based in New York. She recently launched a popular podcast entitled, “Life in Spanglish” which is one of our favorites! If you haven’t checked it out make sure to do so I promise you, you won’t regret it! This podcast highlight the stigmas, stereotypes, misconceptions, and truths about the “Spanglish” life.
INSTAGRAM: iamhoneygerman
Q1. Where were you born? Tell us about your Dominican upbringing.
A1. I was born in Harlem Hospital on a snowy New Year’s Eve. Both my parents are Dominican. While my father was more Americanized and from Brooklyn, my mom was an island girl. At home we spoke mostly all Spanish since Mami needed to understand anything being said at all times, LOL. My Dominican upbringing also extends to the years I would be shipped out to live in DR. Not only did I do plenty of summers in DR, but I also attended school there. My mom was always stuck between living in NY and SD.
Q2. What are some special Dominican traditions and how do you keep them alive?
A2. All of it pretty much LOL. I still use a stovetop coffee maker, make my rice in an old caldero and wrap my hair in a tubi at night. Being Dominican molded me to be woman I am today, so I fight hard to keep that part of my identity alive and well.
Q3. What is the best piece of advice your mom and dad have ever shared with you?
A3.“Necesitas tu titulo universitario” and “no salgas embarazado today joven.” My mom was always a very big advocate of education; she always pushed me to graduate college. My father always stressed not to become pregnant as a young girl, he understood the struggles and hardships a teen faces when hit with an unplanned pregnancy.
Q4. What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
A4. Understanding that following your dreams is more important that following the money. For a while I was stuck in the legal field because of the money I made and was miserable the entire time.
Q5. What did you major in college?
A5. I first got a degree in Paralegal Studies and then followed it with a BA in Criminal Justice. My life goal was to be an Attorney, before I found my love for Media.
Q6.What made you interested in a career in Media?
A6. My love for pop culture and celebrity news. I need to blog, write, talk and weigh in on all things that were happening. So I created my own blog which then led to radio, TV and live events.
Q7. Do you feel education helped you get to where you are? Alternatively, do you think you could have done it without an education
A7. While I couldn’t have gotten my entry level job without a four year degree, my occupation as an on-air personality requires no degree.
Q8.How did your podccast Life in Spanglish blossom?
A8.Our Producer, Andrew, came to Carolina Bermudez and myself and pitched the idea. It’s one of the best “of course I will do it” I’ve ever given someone.
Q9. We understand that you work in radio and have a podcast, can you share with us what you love the most about your job?
A9. I work at NYC’s Power 105.1 in the position of Music Coordinator, On-Air Talent and Digital Manager. My job allows me to connect with people, shift the culture and help new artists be heard. It’s an entire win win situation for someone who is on a mission to give back.
Q10. What motivates you?
A10. I would be lying if I didn’t say being able to keep rising through the ranks is not the main thing that keeps me striving for more and working as if every day is my first day on the job.
Q11. Any advice you can provide for women pursuing a career in media or broadcast?
A11. Make sure that you are being unique and not trying to mimic anyone else’s journey. While we can have people we look up to, one must walk our own journey.
Q12. How did you lose weight? What motivated you?
A12. My career was my main reason for dropping the pounds, I needed to remove any worries I had about the way I looked in order to give the best version of my talent. Portion control is how I manage to drop 50lbs, just cutting all my meals in half. Gone are the days of second servings.
Q13.How do you maintain the weight off?
A13. I keep myself in check, no big portions.I don’t mind even throwing out half my salad if the serving size is for four people.
Q14.We understand that you are married, how do you balance your career, marriage, family and you time?
A14.Everything has to have its own time, when I leave work I take my commute as me time. Once I’m home I go into wife mode, visiting family then it’s all about them. Depending on what the setting is, I switch gears.
Q15. What is your life motto?
A15. “Life loves the liver of it” it’s a quote from the late-great Maya Angelou. I live my life to the fullest.
Q16. What do you like to do in your free time?
A16. I run around and do errands, yep I do nails, hair, brows, shopping. I only have one free day a week, so I must squeeze it all in. Spending time with my girlfriends is also incorporated in there, we do hair dates, nail dates, shopping dates etc.
Q17. One word that describes Honey German?
A17. Resilient.
Q18. Anything that you would like to share with us that is in the works for you that we should keep a lookout for?
A18. I’m developing a series of self-help videos to help people in their career and health journeys. Many adults still need guidance and I have been through plenty of life struggles to help them pull through safely from the other side.